You may want to eliminate pain in the most painless way possible. Whether the discomfort is chemotherapy-induced or you have back issues causing you pain, there is a better way to work around the pain. Considering acupuncture Flatiron District treatment is one of the best picks. This treatment is setting an imposing record as many are seeking acupuncture annually. The team has skilled acupuncturists who will ensure you get the best results to manage your pain.
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a treatment that involves using thin needles that your doctor inserts into your skin at specific points. Acupuncture is a primary component of traditional Chinese medicine and, over time, is increasingly used for wellness like stress management. The Chinese explanation for acupuncture is that it balances the flow of energy through the meridians in your body. When you get acupuncture, your flow of energy will rebalance. In Western practice, they view acupuncture as points that stimulate muscles, nerves, and tissues and may also boost your body’s natural ability to relieve pain.
What conditions can acupuncture relieve?
Acupuncture may relieve ceratin discomforting symptoms from some conditions. These conditions may include:
- Nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy
- Respiratory disorders
- Lower back pain
- Osteoarthritis
What happens during the acupuncturing procedure?
Your doctor may first conduct a comprehensive medical review, including questions about your lifestyle and the symptoms you may have. Your doctor may also do a physical examination of the painful body parts, your tongue color and shape, and your pulse rate quality. Your doctor may then begin your treatment. The first step may be the needle insertion, where your doctor inserts the needles at specific points of your body. You may experience a minimal painful sensation or discomfort during insertion. The second step involves manipulating the needles by gently moving them to apply minimal electrical pulses. Your doctor may leave the needles in your skin for up to fifteen minutes as you relax. Then your doctor will remove the needles. The treatment may take up to an hour or even shorter than that. You may have to visit your doctor for more appointments before the treatment can work, although your treatment may depend on the severity of your condition.
What happens after acupuncture treatment?
You may start feeling some relaxation and energy after your acupuncture is complete. But you may fail to respond to acupuncture treatment which may mean it is not the right treatment option. You may also experience side effects such as bruising, soreness, or minor bleeding. You may need to inform your doctor if you have any bleeding disorders before the treatment to avoid the risk of increased bleeding. If you have a pacemaker, the treatment may affect the operations of the pacemaker, so it is important to tell your doctor about it. If you are pregnant, you may have to avoid this treatment as certain points during your acupuncture procedure may induce labor pains, resulting in premature deliveries.
To experience the benefits of acupuncture treatment, visit or call NYPT Health & Rehab today or make an appointment online.