Your parenthood dream doesn’t have to hit a pause button until you find the right partner. If you are ready, you can pursue gestational surrogacy and eliminate the increasing fears of declining fertility that could make your dating life stressful. Intended single parents Upper East Side can benefit significantly from gestational surrogacy rather than waiting or considering adoption. This is more so with the strict regulations that may exclude you from adoption or health and advancing age concerns that may lead to infertility. Among the benefits intended single parents can realize from gestational surrogacy includes:
Fewer conception hassles
Finding a temporary partner to help you get pregnant or someone to carry your child is not the most convenient approach. You don’t have control over their lives, which can cause significant friction. Through gestational surrogacy, you enjoy more control. The surrogate mother signs a clear and binding contract that eliminates last-minute shock, such as refusing to give up the child and legally keeping you away. The fewer hiccups make the journey more manageable and productive, allowing single parents to build their families.
Navigate fertility barriers
As a man, you can’t carry a child. Some women also struggle to conceive despite having quality eggs. Through gestational surrogacy, such difficulties can be eliminated. Surrogate mothers have a high success rate since they are thoroughly examined, and in most cases, must have a good track record or safe pregnancy and delivery. As a single parent, you only have to provide your egg or sperm to facilitate the process.
Genetically related child
Biological ties with a child are quite fulfilling. It is the main reason many undergo demanding fertility treatments as they strive to add a child to their families. It is also among the top reasons fertility preservation, like egg and sperm freezing, continues to be among the most sought-after services. With surrogacy, you get the opportunity to have a child with your genes, creating that tight biological tie. The child could be from your egg or sperm, with the surrogate mother helping carry the child to term and deliver.
Fulfilling journey
Surrogacy agreements vary, but they are accommodative. This means a single parent can be around for the whole experience. This is from fertilization, embryo implantation, and each hospital visit during pregnancy. They can also be present for delivery and hold the baby from the first moments, creating a more intimate connection between the child and the parent.
More support
Parenthood is not an easy journey, regardless of how well you are prepared. You need all the support you can get, and gestational surrogacy provides this since you can develop a healthy relationship with the surrogate mother. The meaningful long-term relationship creates a win-win situation for the child, single parent, and surrogate mother.
Surrogacy can be expensive, but the benefits outweigh the cost. Even without a partner, you can have a child with your genes. This is with more control of the process and without jumping through hoops, as with adoption. Visit the Center for Human Reproduction today for more on gestational surrogacy.