Maybe you have always wanted to fix your sagging breasts. Perhaps your breast size has changed with weight gain or loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or menopause. Or maybe you’re just tired of feeling self-conscious about the way your breasts look in clothes. Whatever the reason may be, a breast lift can restore confidence and help you find a renewed sense of worth.
You should consider breast lift golden triangle of beverly hills if you’re having the following issues:
Breasts sag
Women with sagging breasts often feel self-conscious about their appearance. Usually, the weight of the breast tissue is actually pulling their breasts downward because it’s not supported by surrounding tissues. The nipple is often pointing downward, and may even be inverted. In such cases, you should consider a breast lift for a lifted profile and a perkier appearance.
Breasts have lost volume or shape
Pregnancy, menopause, and aging can cause changes to breast volume or shape. Tissue atrophy may also cause breasts to lose volume or sag. If you’re considering a breast lift in Beverly Hills because your breasts are lacking in the appearance of fullness, then you should talk with your Beverly Hills plastic surgeon about whether a breast lift is right for you.
Breasts are flat, elongated, or pendulous (hanging)
Even if you’re in good physical condition, breasts can sag from the weight of their own tissue. Sometimes, your breasts are flat or elongated because they are hanging down, especially after weight loss. This may be a sign that you should consider a breast lift in Beverly Hills to help your breasts regain their natural shape.
Breast skin or areola is stretched
Sometimes, breasts may feel stretched because of loose skin. This is usually the result of aging or weight loss, but it can also be caused by pregnancy. If you’re considering a breast lift in Beverly Hills because the skin is stretched over your breasts, then you should talk with your Beverly Hills plastic surgeon about whether a breast lift may be the right choice for you.
One breast is lower than the other
If your breast is lower than the other or one is smaller than the other, you may be a candidate for a breast lift. The breast lift procedure can help restore symmetry and balance. You will also be able to regain your self-confidence with balanced, well-proportioned breasts.
Nipples or areolas point downward
If your nipple or areola is pointing downward, you may not be getting the boost you want in your self-confidence. A breast lift procedure can often lift the nipple or areola so it’s pointing forward.